Thursday, December 14, 2006

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Tanning with zihua today. We met up pretty early so I had a really tough time just stopping myself from continuously hitting the snooze button and falling asleep while bathing. The sunrays were just glaring and have no idea how zi could just lay there comfortably while I had to keep fidgeting as the heat was really unbearable. The beach was pretty empty so we couldn't peoplewatch much and our tanning session was stop short by the onset of a heavy downpour. But at times, I was raelly thankful for the ominous dark clouds that blocked the sun as it was just too goddamn uncomfortable!

Ate at yoshinoya and the manager was super nice, she should be nominated for the GEMs award! Watched date movie and she's the man at zihua's house and had swedish meatballs and chocolate mousse at ikea.

On the ride home, I was sitting in front of this gay couple and one of them was like whining to his boyfriend so much with a nasal little act-cute voice I almost wanted to turn around to slap him as it was freaking annoying. Plus, i could see the guy beside them was highly uncomfortable as the two kept snuggling and giggling themselves silly. Gah. WENTWORTH MILLER((((((:

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